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중견기업 | 바이오 팀장(박사) 상장사
포지션명 바이오 팀장(박사) 상장사
회사 중견기업 직급 차장 ~ 부장
외국어 연령/성별 무관
진행절차 서류전형 -> 1차면접 -> 2차면접 마감일 채용시
1) 직무내용
- Ph.D. degree in pharmacology, biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, or related field
- 10+ years (at least 5+ years in Immuno-oncology, cancer biology, or antibody therapeutics) of experience in a drug discovery setting (biotech or large pharma) or  relevant industry experience in a biopharmaceutical setting with extensive experience from target validation to IND-enabling studies
- Demonstrated application of expertise to drug discovery in multiple therapeutic areas, including immuno-oncology
- Deep understanding of preclinical PK/PD/efficacy relationships and their translation to the clinic
- Strong leadership, interpersonal and communication skills with an enthusiasm for participating in a fast-paced environment characterized by rigorous science and innovative thinking
- A team player and mentor, who listens effectively and invites response and discussion. A collaborator who communicates in an open, clear, complete, timely and consistent manner
2) 자격요건
- 전공 : 약리학, 생물학, 분자생물학, 생화학 또는 관련 학과
- 학력 : 박사
담당컨설턴트 정보
이름 추상호 이메일 vision@visionsearch.co.kr
전화 휴대폰

개인정보취급방침 | 이용약관 | 이메일주소 수집거부

TEL : 070-8244-3270    E-mail : vision@visionsearch.co.kr 서울특별시 광진구 뚝섬로 541 (자양동) 비전서치
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